Sunday, March 22, 2009

Message in a Dream

I awoke this morning from a dream. I thought I would share. I feel it is a message for someone. I have someone that came to mind as soon as I woke but I think others could use it...

I was going to a funeral. When I got there, the lady wasn't dead. She was in the coffin waiting to die. They had her funeral all planned. It was suppose to take place in a few hours.

I found myself talking to the woman. I told her that Jesus came to HEAL and to SAVE us. I remember saying that I have a hard time believing that I am healed etc. but then I told her, "...but stop laying there thinking about dying and start thinking about LIVING!"

A nurse came by at that time and shook her head at me. She was "telling" me to get back and let the lady die so they can have her funeral. I went and sit down.

Are you "in your coffin" waiting to die? This could be in the area of finances, healing, relationships etc.
Let's start living, let go of the dying mentality and look to God for your healings in every area.


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