Friday, November 21, 2008

Unsettling news.

I listen to KGNZ radio. On the news today before lunch I heard that that is opening a site for same sex singles. The reason for this is because of a discrimination settlement. They are paying a man $5,000 dollars in the settlement and opening this new site. They didn't even break the law!! It is so sad. I keep thinking, "What is the world coming to?" Can you imagine what it is going to be like in the near future? Business can't NOT hire a same sex person. If they don't hire them, they will be sued for discrimination and they will loose!! They will HAVE to hire them or they will be sued. Well, this is the way it seems to me. It may not be that bad but it may be worse. I tell you it makes me want to cry. We are loosing our freedoms. "They" think they are getting freedom but we are really loosing it. It use to be illegal to be "same sex" (said this way as not to use the other terms.) Now we HAVE to accept it. Under the Obama rule, I am afraid it will all happen sooner than later. Oh God, forgive us!
If you would like to read more about this, you can go here. I wish I could find the radio news article but haven't yet.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My amazing husband!

Sunday when I came home from church, I noticed the kitchen cabinets were cleaned off. We then went to eat lunch and my DH and I were talking about life and at the time I wasn't really excited about my house because it is such a mess. My husband said, "did you not notice what I did?"
I said, " I seen you cleaned the cabinets...oh, did you do dishes too? I didn't look over there. "

Well, he had cleaned the kitchen and even mopped the floor. When I got home I got to relizing how wonderful and amazing my husband STILL is and how I had forgotten. How time and life will go on and we start taking things for granite.

Later that evening I told my husband I thought he was amazing. He said he thinks that is the first time I told him that. WOW. I need to work on that. More compliments for my husband.

Terry and I have been married 16 years. We have 1 adopted son who is 5 years old now. We were married 11 years before we adopted Jonathan and so we had that long together before kids. It was nice and I would not want it different now. Now I am not saying that after 16 years, things have to be different. We should have a honeymoon mentallity all the time. How can we do that? I think if we continue to build our mate up, never dwell on the negative and NEVER talk bad about them it will be a lot easier.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Now, on the lighter side....

I made my first goat milk butter the other day. I used a pint of cream from my own goat. It took several days to acquire this much cream and let it rise to the top. Anywho, I put the cream in a quart jar and started to shake...and shake....and shake. After about 45 minutes it started to separate into butter.

Shake it

I continued to shake it and more and more cream turned to butter. I tried to pour off the "buttermilk" that was left but there wasn't enough and the butter kept trying to pour out so I finally poured all of it in some ice cold water to wash. You are suppose to wash and pour off the water and add more ice cold water and keep doing this until all the buttermilk has washed out. I don't know if I got it all out our not. (You are really suppose to get it all out or it will spoil pretty fast.) I then squeezed the cold butter to get the water and more milk out. Next time I think I am going to try a mixer.

Obama Pro Life???

A little more information on Obama and abortion.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Not political, critical!

How serious is life to you? Not just your life but life in general. If you value LIFE, you will want to read a commentary writen by Robert George. I am not even going to try to put any of it here. It is too hard to decide what to highlight. It is all a must read for anyone voting for our next president. You can go here to read the article. Please go check it out.

I first heard this information on Focus on the Family this morning and I want to get the word out. Please pass it on, put it on your blog, whatever you can to make this information know.