Monday, June 15, 2009


Since we lost our milking goats to mastitis, I figured it was time to get another goat so we could have milk. I love the benifits and the taste of raw goat milk.

This is Marina. She is part Alpine and part Nubian. She is registered also.

When I bought her, she had twins on her that were ready to be weaned. She isn't giving a whole lot of milk right now but I hope that she will come up in the future.

Below is an Alpine that my goat partener (Deb) got. She is only 8 weeks old. She will make a good milker someday.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Martha Austin

This is the obiturary for my friend that passed away. I will miss her so much. It was a sudden thing. Totally unexpected. She and her husband had gone to Austin to a doctor and she had a stroke while in the Dr.'s office. She passed away a few days later.

I started cleaning for Martha about two years ago when she broke her foot. I told her husband that I would help them out until she got better. Well, Martha wouldn't let me quite. :) I am so glad because I got to know her. We would have coffee breaks while I worked and we would visit and talk about all kinds of stuff.

They have 3 Wheaton Terriors that just adored her and she loved them too. They filled her time and she wouldn't have had it any other way. I am sure Murphy, Maddy and Tucker miss her a lot.

So I will say goodbye to Martha. Thanks for being such a good friend!! You will be missed!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Loosing friends

What a week. Actually the last few weeks have been so emotional.

We lost one of our registered nubian milk goats about a month ago. She had gotten mastitis and just went down hill in 3 days till she died.

Two weeks later, we found two other goats with mastitis so we started doctoring them. The next day one more had it. One of the first two was another registered nubian and she died within 3 days. The other one didn't get down like those two did. The last one went down hill fast and we were sure she would be dead the next day. She was my first milk goat and it was really hard for me. We found some old medicine in the cabinet that we had used last year for a different kind of illness and we said, "what have we got to loose?" so we gave her a really strong dose. By that evening she was sitting with her head up and then the next day she was up and munching grass. I was so excited. She is fine now except she will loose half of her udder.

In the meantime, I got a call that a really good friend of mine had a stroke. It didn't look good. She was in the Austin hospital since that is where she was at the time. She ended up dieing a few days later on Monday. So this was a greater lose than those two goats. It is still hard to believe.

The next day after my friend passed away, we decided to take the two remaining goats to the vet to have them put down because we had read some stuff about mastitis that they would pass this on to their kids. The vet talked us out of it and told us to dry them up and doctor them some more. We brought them home. I am so glad we did.

So here I want to say good bye to two great milk goats Foxy and Mammy.
I don't have a picture of Mammy but here is Foxy. Mammy was her mother.

I want to also say goodbye to Martha but I want to put that in another post.