Sunday, August 2, 2009

Flylady Days 17 and 18

Yesterday we had our yard sale. We did pretty good. Better than the last yard sale we had.

It was later in the day when I checked what I was to do on Day 17 on
It was to set a specific bed time and stick to it. I have wanted to do this for a long time but it has been hard getting baths and all done and still get in bed at a decent time. I have to figure out when to actually start getting ready for bed. One thing that bogs me down is this computer. I think it needs to be turned off early so I can focus on bed time routines. Here is what I am planning:

-Computer off by 7:30 pm
-Baths for 3 people done by 8:30
-In bed by 9 for the little man and
-hopefully for husband and myself, 9:30

This way I can get up early and enjoy the morning sipping coffee in the porch swing before I go milk and feed the goats.

I will let you know later how it is going.

Now for today, Day 18:

I am to read FlyLady's 11 commandments. Oh boy.. Hang on, I am going to read it now....

...Ok, I read them. I think I will print them and put them in my control journal so I can look at them often. Number 4 is the one to work on...

Don't allow yourself to be sidetracked by the computer.

See, told you it was what was messing me up. LOL.

So far I have been doing good on shining my sink and swishing and swiping the bathroom. I need to work more on decluttering. I kind of let it go since I was getting ready for the yard sale. Now my house it really a mess with all the stuff that didn't sell. I am thinking Good Will now. I just don't want to see it anymore!!

I have printed out a calender with some of our events/appointments on it. The main one that my son won't let me forget is his birthday this month. He is turning 6. Can't believe it has been that long since he came into our life. I am truly blessed by his presents.

I have been setting my clothes out most of the time. I did forget last night but all I wanted to do was go to bed!! I was working on getting there at a decent time like I am suppose to. LOL.

This months habit to get into is Laundry. FlyLady says one load a day keeps chaos away.
I will read about this and then start practicing it this month. I will report on this habit later.

Ok, now I am off to check my control journal and print those commandments for reviewing later.

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