Thursday, August 6, 2009

My FlyLady update and Day 20.

I wanted to update my FlyLady experience.

So far my control Journal says:

Morning Routine:

-Get Dressed to shoes....
I have been doing this pretty good. It really isn't a hard struggle for me. I guess it was already a habit. Now, I do take my shoes off sometimes during the day but can't go too long without them.

-Swish & Swipe the bathroom....
I have been doing this pretty good lately. I felt like I was using too many paper towels. The other day we went shopping and I was going to get some cheap paper towels to use but I found some reusable wipes. Hummm. I thought. These would probably work pretty good. I bought two packages, one for the bathroom and one for the kitchen. So far I am pleased with them.

-Recognize negative voices and change them...
Been dong pretty good on this. It takes lots of work.

-Read reminders. Emails from Flylady.
I do this and it is encouraging.

_Hot Spots...
I have one Hot Spot that I have been keeping cleaned. I am so proud...:) It has always been a problem and it always made me feel yucky when I seen it. Now I smile! when I look there. I put out this spot in the mornings. My other big hot spot is in my room and I don't do as good on it. I tend to leave a pile of books I am reading/looking at by my bed.

-Declutter 15 minutes....
I have been decluttering but I don't set the timer. I really should so I can make sure I do go at least 15 minutes.

-5 minute room rescue...
Haven't been doing this the way I would like too.

-15 minutes of inspiration....
This could use some work. I have added a few things to my control journal that inspire me. Some are scriptures, so are just emails or blogs that I printed out.

-Look at calender....
I printed a couple of calender pages for this month. One for my control journal and one for the rest of the family to see.

-Make bed....
My husband usually does this. I was going to get Little Man to start making his every morning but I haven't done too good on that. Something to work on.

-Read 11 Commandments...
These are interesting and do inspire me or cause me to want to do them.

Now today is the 20th day in my FlyLady adventure. It says to add laundry to my daily routine. Ok. This months habit to get into is laundry so I have started doing 1 -2 loads a day. Right now I am washing load number 3. These are some smaller clothes that my son had outgrown a long time ago and they were sitting by the washer since the yard sale. Well, I am getting them cleaned and they will go to Goodwill along with a lot of the other leftover yard sale stuff.

I like hanging the clothes out on the line. Well, I don't just like the process but it saves money on electricity and I get to get outside and get some vitamin D (sun shine). Clothes dry pretty quick on these HOT days. These clothes were washed and hung out this morning and they are already put up. I have started trying something new...I take my hangers outside with me and hang the clothes as I take them down. The ones that fold, I fold them before I put them in the basket. I just started this yesterday and I like it so far. It saves a few minutes in the whole process.

Now, the Night Routine:

-Put out Hot Spots...

This is the one by the bed right now...

-Set out clothes...

I don't do this every night but most.

-Shine Sink....

I have only missed one night since I started. That was accident.

-Go to bed at a decent hour and stick to it.

This one is hard to get in the habit of. I have been gone late a couple times this week but I think I still got to bed by 10. Maybe 10:30 one night.

I feel I am doing good. I still feel better about my house and myself so I think it is worth the effort.

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you. Proud!!!!!

    I also have the same bed area hot spot. I acutally hate the thought of shoes. I am a barefoot gal through and through. I would wear flip flops all year in the cold. But seeing it gets about -5 degrees in the winter I will pass.
