Friday, July 31, 2009

Flylady, Day 16

Ok, yesterday I said I had been doing the Flylady routines for 3 weeks. Hahaha, I was wrong, it has only been TWO weeks. I am STARTING the 3rd week.

I am currently on Day 16. I am to read a FlyLady email. That wasn't hard, I read about 3 of them. Some are testimonies from other Flyladies about how the system or a tool is working for them. Some are interesting, some I could do without.

I asked my husband last night if I seemed different. He said yes. He asked if it was because of the FlyLady site and what I was doing with the house. I said I think it is. He asked if I felt different, I said yes. It is working for me. YES!!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so great! I am still doing days 1-7!

