Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yesterday was Day 10 in the baby steps at

It said: You can do anything for 15 minutes. I did a lot of that yesterday. I sat most of the day and sewed on my quilt.

I had planned to declutter the closet but my back was bothering me so I gave that up. I might have even worked on it 5 minutes before I quit?? Hum. didn't think about that. We did declutter on Little Man's room. I am going to continue that each day for 5 minutes. I think that will not be so overwhelming for me or him.

Ok, so today is day 11:
Ok, that is easy....We are going to add an inspirational page to our Control Journal. I am to write down inspirational phrases for 15 minutes. I may spread this through out the day and not just 15 minutes straight.

This morning I got up a little earlier. I wanted to enjoy the nice cool weather before it got too hot. Now I see it is only going to be in the 80's today. LOVE IT!!

Now I am sitting here blogging instead of being outside. I do have the front door open and I can hear the drip drop of rain. It isn't raining hard but thank the Lord for it anyway. We can use all we get.

I have been practicing Swish and Swipe in the bathroom. I do it right after my morning trip to there, before I even leave the room I swish the toilet, and then grab a paper towel and swipe the mirror, sink and then the outside of the toilet and floor around it. It is so much nicer to go in there all day and have a clean toilet.

All this cleaning is getting noticed by my DH. In the past I would clean hoping he would notice but this time, it is for ME. I am going to FLY. (Finally Love Myself!)

God Bless and Good Day!


  1. Yay for you. I am proud of you. You have motivated me.

  2. Good for you! I did the babysteps about a year ago, of course now I'm starting them again. There has been changes in my life with my boys which means I need to change my routines, b/c I have fallen off the wagon. I've been reading your FLYing journey, and it's inspirational. I'm now off to begin this journey again. Keep up the good work!
