Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life as it happens

This picture isn't very clear but I thought I would share it anyway. It is lots of butterflies on a tree. The Monarch Butterfly was migrating and stopped here for a rest. (Well, a few blocks away at my friends house.)

Lickin' the "spoons."

My dad and me on our birthday.

Jonathan learned to ride his bike without training wheels. If you notice in the picture, they are still on the bike but bent up.

Now Daddy is taking them off.

Jonathan got to help a little. Then Daddy took over again.

Way to go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday! You look a young 39.

    Riding without training wheels, that's a big deal! We were working on that with my son yesterday. He's six and still doesn't seem to be anywhere near being able to take them off. I'm hoping his coordination will come through soon:)
