Friday, October 9, 2009

B-day time...

Well, the day is almost here. I have one year and one day to be in my 30's. Wow!! 39....

My dad and I share our birthdays. I think is is really special. I wouldn't want it any other way.

We are going to have a birthday party here at my house. We are going to have Breakfast for Dinner. Yum!!

Scrambled Eggs
and maybe some hashbrown.

I expect to have at least 18 people, more or less.

My dad will be 64 this year.

So...Happy Birthday to us. LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Bernice,
    I hope you and your dad had a wonderful birthday together! I am so impressed! I poked around your blog little bit. You are so cool! Making your own butter from your own goat??? We have some friends who live/work their own organic farm and I am just getting to learn some of that kind of thing! Also, I noticed your book list...WE LOVE DAVE RAMSEY!!!! We went through FPU six years ago and "drank the kool-aid!" It was life and habit changing! I also love "For Women Only."

    I look forward to checking back in with you.
