Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Cleaning Check In

Chrissy at Meaningful Days is working so hard to encourage me to spring clean. She set a challenge to get it all done by the end of April. I haven't been doing very good.

I know, shame on me. I have been sooo busy.

We waited till the last minute to get our taxes finished. I am glad it is over.

I also helped my mom and dad get theirs done.

I have also been trying to get all my planting finished. I think I have almost finished. I have one more kind of seed to plant. It is suppose to rain here tomorrow so I'm trying to get it all done by then.

I know these are all excuses but I haven't even had much computer time so I KNOW I have been busy. LOL.

I will get back to it soon. I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow and Friday so I hope to get Little Mans (who isn't all that little anymore) room clean.


  1. First off THANK YOU for check in now matter what every week. And planting is for sure on that spring to do challenge!!!!

  2. It sounds like you have been very busy. You should be proud of yourself for getting so much accomplished. We have had so much rain that I haven't planted anything yet. Hopefully, by this weekend it will be dry enough. Take care and try not to be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you are getting things done.

