Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Last Spring Cleaning Check in

Today is the last day for Chrissy's Spring Cleaning Challenge at Meaningful Days.

I did not get finished with my cleaning but have enjoyed this challenge. I got more done than I would have if I hadn't taken her up on the challenge. She is a great encourager!

I would like to have finished cleaning our bedroom. It wouldn't take a lot to get it finished.
There is also another room that didn't get touched. It is a storage room right now. No organization at all.
Now I am off to get some other stuff done. Got to make some bread so we will have something for breakfast tomorrow and then make some cornbread to go with our beans that I need to get cooking. opps. Almost forgot about them. hahaha. Later.


  1. Congratulations on winning the spring cleaning challenge hosted by Chrissy at Meaningful Days. I am so happy that you won and I have enjoyed participating in the challenge with you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  2. Hey,

    Can you email me your address again at

    Thanks! :)

  3. Hey. I am not closing my blog after all. :)
