Monday, July 27, 2009

Flylady Day 13

I got slightly off track this last weekend. I went to sell soap at Trade Days.

I kept my sink shining and kept swishing and swiping in the bathroom so that was a good feeling. There were night I didn't want to shine that sink but I did it anyway. I was always glad I did in the morning.

I started day 13 today. I was to select one of Kelly's missions and do it. I choose to take care of something in the bedroom. I had a pile of fabric that I had washed that I kept moving from basket to bed and then back to the basket. I put it in a box so I can use it later for a sewing project I plan to do.

I continued to work on my morning routines today. One thing I did that I am sooo glad to do is take the computer desk out of our room. I was able to clean where it was and then I moved my dressing vanity there so my husband would have more room on his side. I still have a lot of cleaning to do in there but it is nice to have accomplished this.

We have a bathroom that isn't a bathroom yet in our room and it is full of stuff. I did my 5 minutes room rescue there. We put the filling cabinets in there and I had to move stuff around to get it in there. Now I have to work on this room more later on also.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I am plugging along as well - still sticking to those first 7 steps!

