Monday, August 24, 2009
A kid funny.
Jonathan said "yes, it means scaping from the land of America" I laughed do hard. I thought I would roll on the floor.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Happy Birthday!!
Flylady update
Thought I would post an update since I finished my baby steps on FlyLady.
I am doing pretty good. I still shine my sink, I still swish and swipe the bathroom. I have done some decluttering but I am having a hard time doing it everyday like I should. I have so much that needs doing. I tried to clean out a room the other day, I was just going to work on it 30 minutes...I couldn't do it. I got too frustrated. I don't know what to do with that stuff. grr...
I will try again some day.
I finally got half of the porch cleaned off. I still need to do the other half. Just more stuff to find a place for..
I have been keeping my side of the bedroom pretty clean. I work on hot spots a few times a day.
There are a few of the steps that I still need to make a habit. Making time for myself, decluttering, etc. I have been keeping up with the wash better this month. It is a good feeling to always have clean socks.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Flylady Days 30 and 31
Good idea. I missed my scheduled nursery day this month. I didn't put it on my calender. It was pinned to my fridge but I just missed it anyway. I need to stay ahead.
We don't have any birthdays next month so the only thing right now I can see to keep in mind is my time in the nursery at church.
I looked at day 31 today and there isn't anything to do. FlyLady is proud of me. :)
I have started adding some of the Zone cleaning and am working on adding some weekly habits.
I will not give up!! I will fly someday, I will soar. Yee haw.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Flylady - Day 29
Day 29: Set time to enjoy the Weekly Pamper Mission. These are listed on the FlyLady web site. I am going to check them out. I have some ideas myself. I just need to figure out when would be a good time to do it.
Here are a few things I will do:
-Milk bath. If you have never done this before, you should try it. Really. Of course I have fresh goat milk to use and I come out of the bath feeling soft and silky.
-Do my nails.
_This I got off Flylady...Soak feet in warm water with some oil and marbles. The marbles help massage the feet. This I can't wait to try.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Flylady - Day 28 and counting
I started a page in my CT that is for this purpose. I have decided to cut back on the amount of sugar I am taking in. I found a work sheet online that I want to do with my son. We list common foods that we eat and how much sugar is in each. Then we work on lowering the sugar we consume. I have the worksheet printed but haven't looked over it with Jonathan.
It mentions that according to the US Department of Agriculture, people consuming 2,000 calories a day should eat no more than about 10 teaspoons of refined sugar per day. That is 40 grams or 1 can of soda. WOW.
I have been doing pretty good on this. There are days we go to DQ and get a Blizzard. At our DQ, the Blizzards, coke floats and drinks are only .99 cents from 3-5pm on week days. That is hard to stay away from. LOL. Anywho, if I have a blizzard one day, I will cut down even more the next day. A Banana Split Blizzard has 58 grams of sugar, that is 14 1/2 teaspoons of sugar. eeekk.
I am going in baby steps to a healthier life. Right now, Cut Down on Sugar. When I get that down pretty good, I will add another step. Not sure what it will be though.
Ok, now I am thirsty. I need water!!
See ya!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Flylady Day 27
The swish and swipe in the bathroom...I don't like doing it but I do like the clean bathroom every day. I was doing it right when I got up but I think I am going to change that and do it when I get back from the goats. That way I am not waking up cleaning the bathroom. ugg..
Since I started doing Kelly's mission's, it gives me something specific to work on, like this week we are cleaning in the kitchen. I cleaned out my pantry today and there is lots more room in there now. :)
Today's baby step is "What's For Dinner?" I need to think about what is for dinner before 6 pm that day. This will be helpful. LOL. There have been so many day that I am like, "what am I going to fix for dinner?" and it is time to be eating. Tonight we are having shake and baked chicken tacos.
I need to get my control journal out and add this habit to it. I would like to know that morning what I am having for dinner so I will put it in my morning routine.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Anywho, on to today, Day 26... I was to read the last sentence in any FlyLady email. I did it and am not going to tell what it is. nany, nany, boo boo. :)
Yesterday, I did my mission for the day. I cleaned out from under my kitchen sink. I didn't throw EVERYthing away but I did move some stuff out and toss some. I am working on making room for my dish drainer so I can start storing it there instead of on the counter top. It seems there are always dishes in it... This is something that will take some time to work on, washing the dishes and putting them up right away.
I took some time to organize some of my drawers in my dresser. Much nicer to look at.
I also took some stuff that was outside to the storage. It is amazing what a little rain will make a person do. I didn't want it getting wet so what other choice did I have? hehe. I also loaded the car with stuff to take to Goodwill as I go by there tomorrow.
Today, the mission is to declutter the plastic wares. Get rid of extra lids and old melted bowls etc. I hardly have any of this stuff. We don't have a microwave so our stuff has to be warmed either on the stove or in the toaster oven. Plastic don't work too well there. LOL. So, instead of doing this, I cleaned around my washer and dryer which is close to the kitchen. There was some old stuff that needed throwing away and I washed off the bleach bottles and soap bottles. It is looking much better over there. I still have a little more to do.
Have a good day.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Catching up and Flying
I have been trucking right along, just not having time to write about it.
I am having a hard time remembering where I left off, what day I last posted about.
Over the weekend, I started working on getting my Control Journal organized and filled out. I had forgotten there were baby steps to getting this done until I came to day 22 and it said, " Do you know where your Control Journal is?"
I did know where it was and am using it a lot but I went to a link and seen the baby steps to filling out and organizing the CT. So I have been working on that some.
Yesterday was Day 23 and I have set my afternoon routines. This was actually part of the Control Journal baby steps so I was a little ahead.
Today, Day 24 said to add Swish and Swipe to my morning routine. Ha, done that. Ye haw.
One of the baby steps for the CT was to make a page for Weekly plans. It mentioned doing Kelly's Missions which are posted each day. On Sunday, an email comes with the missions for the whole week so I printed them off.
This week we are working in the kitchen. I cleaned my counter tops today. I moved all the stuff around and got all the hidden dust bunnies and bread crumbs.
Monday are also the Weekly Home Blessing Hour which you can read about here.
Ok, I need to get ready for bed. This computer should have been off 45 minutes ago...oops. :)
The latest phone calls
On the other end I hear, "Please hold for the next available operator."
Hahaha this is so funny. Do they really expect me to hold when they are the ones doing the calling. hahaha....
Ok, had to get that out of my system.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My FlyLady update and Day 20.
So far my control Journal says:
Morning Routine:
-Get Dressed to shoes....
I have been doing this pretty good. It really isn't a hard struggle for me. I guess it was already a habit. Now, I do take my shoes off sometimes during the day but can't go too long without them.
-Swish & Swipe the bathroom....
I have been doing this pretty good lately. I felt like I was using too many paper towels. The other day we went shopping and I was going to get some cheap paper towels to use but I found some reusable wipes. Hummm. I thought. These would probably work pretty good. I bought two packages, one for the bathroom and one for the kitchen. So far I am pleased with them.
-Recognize negative voices and change them...
Been dong pretty good on this. It takes lots of work.
-Read reminders. Emails from Flylady.
I do this and it is encouraging.
_Hot Spots...
I have one Hot Spot that I have been keeping cleaned. I am so proud...:) It has always been a problem and it always made me feel yucky when I seen it. Now I smile! when I look there. I put out this spot in the mornings. My other big hot spot is in my room and I don't do as good on it. I tend to leave a pile of books I am reading/looking at by my bed.
-Declutter 15 minutes....
I have been decluttering but I don't set the timer. I really should so I can make sure I do go at least 15 minutes.
-5 minute room rescue...
Haven't been doing this the way I would like too.
-15 minutes of inspiration....
This could use some work. I have added a few things to my control journal that inspire me. Some are scriptures, so are just emails or blogs that I printed out.
-Look at calender....
I printed a couple of calender pages for this month. One for my control journal and one for the rest of the family to see.
-Make bed....
My husband usually does this. I was going to get Little Man to start making his every morning but I haven't done too good on that. Something to work on.
-Read 11 Commandments...
These are interesting and do inspire me or cause me to want to do them.
Now today is the 20th day in my FlyLady adventure. It says to add laundry to my daily routine. Ok. This months habit to get into is laundry so I have started doing 1 -2 loads a day. Right now I am washing load number 3. These are some smaller clothes that my son had outgrown a long time ago and they were sitting by the washer since the yard sale. Well, I am getting them cleaned and they will go to Goodwill along with a lot of the other leftover yard sale stuff.
I like hanging the clothes out on the line. Well, I don't just like the process but it saves money on electricity and I get to get outside and get some vitamin D (sun shine). Clothes dry pretty quick on these HOT days. These clothes were washed and hung out this morning and they are already put up. I have started trying something new...I take my hangers outside with me and hang the clothes as I take them down. The ones that fold, I fold them before I put them in the basket. I just started this yesterday and I like it so far. It saves a few minutes in the whole process.
Now, the Night Routine:
-Put out Hot Spots...
This is the one by the bed right now...
-Set out clothes...
I don't do this every night but most.
-Shine Sink....
I have only missed one night since I started. That was accident.
-Go to bed at a decent hour and stick to it.
This one is hard to get in the habit of. I have been gone late a couple times this week but I think I still got to bed by 10. Maybe 10:30 one night.
I feel I am doing good. I still feel better about my house and myself so I think it is worth the effort.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Flylady Day 19
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Flylady Days 17 and 18
It was later in the day when I checked what I was to do on Day 17 on
It was to set a specific bed time and stick to it. I have wanted to do this for a long time but it has been hard getting baths and all done and still get in bed at a decent time. I have to figure out when to actually start getting ready for bed. One thing that bogs me down is this computer. I think it needs to be turned off early so I can focus on bed time routines. Here is what I am planning:
-Computer off by 7:30 pm
-Baths for 3 people done by 8:30
-In bed by 9 for the little man and
-hopefully for husband and myself, 9:30
This way I can get up early and enjoy the morning sipping coffee in the porch swing before I go milk and feed the goats.
I will let you know later how it is going.
Now for today, Day 18:
I am to read FlyLady's 11 commandments. Oh boy.. Hang on, I am going to read it now....
...Ok, I read them. I think I will print them and put them in my control journal so I can look at them often. Number 4 is the one to work on...
Don't allow yourself to be sidetracked by the computer.
See, told you it was what was messing me up. LOL.
So far I have been doing good on shining my sink and swishing and swiping the bathroom. I need to work more on decluttering. I kind of let it go since I was getting ready for the yard sale. Now my house it really a mess with all the stuff that didn't sell. I am thinking Good Will now. I just don't want to see it anymore!!
I have printed out a calender with some of our events/appointments on it. The main one that my son won't let me forget is his birthday this month. He is turning 6. Can't believe it has been that long since he came into our life. I am truly blessed by his presents.
I have been setting my clothes out most of the time. I did forget last night but all I wanted to do was go to bed!! I was working on getting there at a decent time like I am suppose to. LOL.
This months habit to get into is Laundry. FlyLady says one load a day keeps chaos away.
I will read about this and then start practicing it this month. I will report on this habit later.
Ok, now I am off to check my control journal and print those commandments for reviewing later.